Practice Strategy Tip: Why should I prebook flu now?

While you are trying to administer the flu vaccine that is currently in your fridge, you should also be thinking about what you want to have on hand for the 2020-2021 season.

Why should you put the effort into prebooking now? Here are a few good reasons:

  1. Prebooked flu doses will start arriving in August 2020. Every manufacturer has a delivery guarantee either in August or September 2020. If you prebook now, you are assured to have some flu vaccine in your refrigerator in August 2020.
  2. The flu vaccine price is the lowest when you prebook. Don’t scramble during the season to find flu doses because you will pay more per dose. Prebook directly with the manufacturer for the best price and for a rebate from Vaccine Connect.
  3. You are guaranteed to have flu vaccine reserved for you. Many prebooks close weeks before the deadline. If you prebook now, you are assured a spot on the list.

Would you like help determining which vaccine to prebook and how many doses to order? Call Amanda or Ben at (843) 973-2711 in the Vaccine Connect office. We want to help you devise the best price strategy for your practice!