Practice Strategy Tip: Shingrix Shortage

Many physicians and patients are feeling the frustration of the supply shortage of SHINGRIX. While GSK is producing and shipping SHINGRIX as fast as possible, there are a few steps physicians can take to manage the supply shortage:

  • Place an order for SHINGRIX each time a box is received by your practice. The vaccine is shipping out every 2-3 weeks. Check the supply grid here.
  • Many pharmacies have SHINGRIX in stock. Therefore, refer your 65+ patients to the nearest pharmacy and save your supply for patients 50-64.
  • Set aside a second dose for each patient who receives the first dose. This helps patients complete the series and are not continually calling your office looking for the second dose.

GSK has made significant investments in manufacturing facilities to help meet the SHINGRIX demand. In the coming months and years, GSK expects to better meet the demand and help vaccinate all eligible patients.